Wahooo, you’ve reached this magical season and are PSYCHED to kick it off with the love of your life!! Whether you’ve chosen to have your engagement pictures taken in Shenandoah National Park, or you’re still deciding - seeing how what you wear impacts your photographs will be a helpful tool for inspiration!

Most importantly: wear whatever makes you feel totally awesome.

This blog entry is purely just guidance and inspiration from a visual-standpoint. The most important thing of all is you feel absolutely stellar in what you choose to wear for your session - and that will be the most beautiful. But, for those who simply have no idea where to even begin - this is for you.

TIP #1: Solid Neutrals

Here’s the thing - your engagement session is about YOU. And, since you’ve chosen to have your sesh in Shenandoah, that means you also want to celebrate the beauty of nature and all she has to offer. The best way to focus on your expressions, your warm embraces, and the total blast you’re having in the mountains? Choosing solid neutrals for your outfits. Can you imagine how different that picture would be if her dress were hot pink? Or had massive polka dots? It would distract and detract from the whole vibe. Solid neutrals (or small, subtle prints) allow the focus to be on you among the magic of the mountains - exactly how it should be.

TIP #2: Contrast

A way to help pull the focus on you among the sweeping landscape is by selecting outfits that POP! Creating that contrast allows the eye to be drawn to you two, while also embracing the full picture. Deep dark tones work just as beautifully as lighter tones to draw the eye to you among all the rich tones of the mountains and sky.

TIP #3: Textures

Textures can play a beautiful part in adding your own touches of style to these suggestions. A knit/crocheted sweater, accessories like felt hats, the deep hues of denim - they all compliment the environment AND show you off, too!

TIP #4: Variety of Vibes

Sometimes it’s hard to decide on just one look - and that’s totally okay, because you don’t have to! In fact, I often encourage couples to bring two outfits for their session: one casual, and one on the dressier side. Our sessions usually begin with more playful, movement-based interactions to get you loosened up and going with the flow. Then, we can maximize the epicness of sunset by bringing a little drama with a flowy dress in the wind, or a tailored chino pant!

At the end of the day, wear what makes you feel your best - and I’ll take care of the rest! (Hey, that rhymed!)

Want more outfit inspo? Check out my Pinterest boards here!